Tuesday, 25 June 2013

What's good for your soul...

Sometimes, at this time of year, I feel kind of "ah ah" - kinda blue, flat, unmotivated. I call them "ah ah" days cause its hard to explain that deep dark feeling that makes you feel like sitting in the fetal position in a cosy dark corner of the house for the entire day.
But, it's not healthy. Winter can make the best of us feel glum.
Like JK said: I know I need to do physical activity at least 3 or 4 times a week to feel ok. 
It's true. I'm the same, but as the days get shorter and colder, we neglect our bodies and our souls.

That's why I really like this picture: 

Each day I make sure I "check in" with myself. Checking that I feel ok in my head and my body. Just think of it as maintenance. 
Ask yourself: what do I need to do today to make myself feel good?

Today I went to the local pool as I do about 3 days per week, and aqua jogged for 45 mins. 
It makes you feel refreshed and knackered, but that good "I've done a hard day of slog" kind of tired.

Make sure you ask yourself first thing tomorrow: "what do I need to do"?

Leave those blues behind and get cracking. Winter is short, and so is life.

Crafting away

II love crafting - especially when you know that there are some folk out there who love it as much as you do!

I have been merrily crafting some more beads for a large market next weekend at CPIT. 

Made from polymer clay, these beads are my new range called Tangy Fruity.

As always, they can be purchased at my markets, online at Felt or on my Facebook page :-)